
What Is a Cavity?

A cavity is the unfortunate result of tooth decay. Tooth decay is largely due to the foods and beverages one consumes as well as one’s oral health regimen. Exposure to fluoride in toothpaste and tap water along with genetics also […] Continue Reading

How Is TMJ Treated?

TMJ stands for TemporoMandibular Joint disorder, which for the most part means that someone’s jaw is out of alignment. When a jaw is not in its proper alignment there are going to be repercussions, which can vary from mild to […] Continue Reading

5 Tips For Brushing and Flossing Your Teeth From The Dental Wellness Group

Brushing and flossing should be a part of your everyday routine, that includes brushing twice a day and flossing once a day. Taking good care of your oral health is absolutely essential to your overall good health and is unquestionably […] Continue Reading

Nutritional Counseling for Oral Health

Oral health partially hinges one’s willingness to clean his teeth on a regular basis. However, one’s nutrition and use of tobacco and/or alcohol also play a role in oral health. Oral health experts are on-hand to provide nutritional counseling for […] Continue Reading

Routine Dental Exam to Check for Tooth Decay Risk

A routine dental exam is the best way to identify tooth decay. This exam gives your dentist and/or his staff the opportunity to examine your mouth for signs of tooth decay and other issues or abnormalities. The purpose of identifying […] Continue Reading

Find a Dentist to Examine Your Teeth For Signs of Bruxism

When looking to find a dentist, we recommend that you visit our office and have your teeth checked for signs of bruxism. If you have not heard of this technical term, it is when people grind or clench their teeth […] Continue Reading

Call Us if You Need a Dental Reconstruction Treatment

We offer dental reconstruction procedures for patients who damage their teeth in an accident, needing to restore functionality and appearance. We also provide preventative care with teeth cleanings and dental exams. Many patients never consider that they will be in […] Continue Reading

Teeth Whitening: The Dental Wellness Group Explains the Basics

Teeth whitening has become extremely popular as more people strive to have pearly white teeth and the awesome smile that come with it. Over the last several years, teeth whitening usage has grown, which naturally creates a very competitive marketplace. […] Continue Reading

4 Reasons to Choose Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain crowns look like natural teeth, are beautiful, luminescent and reflect light just enough to look like perfectly natural teeth. While porcelain crowns look natural, they are artificial. We can shape the crowns precisely so that restore dental damage and […] Continue Reading

Biggest Fears and Myths About Seeing the Dentist

There are a lot of common myths and fears that people have about visiting the dentist. Most of these come from common folklore and from exaggerated tales of what patients have experienced. Fortunately, these myths are nowhere near the actual […] Continue Reading