
Understanding the Benefits of Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is a restoration that can help bring back your smile and dental functions.

Tooth Preparation for a Dental Onlay

Dental onlays are called indirect restorations. They are pre-molded and bonded over the chewing surface of the teeth, extending over the biting portion (the cusps).

Dental Inlay vs. Crown: When to Choose an Inlay, According to a Dentist

Learn the difference between a dental inlay and a dental crown. Dental patients need to know when each option is necessary to treat dental issues.

Why Clear Braces Are a Popular Option for Teeth Straightening

For individuals with crooked or misaligned teeth, a dental provider may recommend wearing braces as a corrective treatment.

Eating After a Tooth Extraction

The reason that dentists tell patients to avoid hard foods after a tooth extraction is because hard foods can dislodge the blood clot and cause more pain in the area.

How Does In-Office Professional Teeth Whitening Work?

Professional teeth whitening is an easy process that is completed in a single dental visit.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a Dental Inlay

Learn more about dental inlays and how the procedure works. This article provides a step-by-step guide for dental inlays.

A Dental Crown Overview: What You Need To Know

Think you may need a dental crown? Read on to learn more about this dental restoration.

How a Cosmetic Dentist Improves the Appearance of Your Smile

Whether in the office or at home, cosmetic dentists have access to more powerful teeth whitening solutions than what patients can buy over the counter.

Decided to Get a Dental Bridge to Solve Your Missing Tooth Problem?

Choosing a dental bridge as a tooth replacement option is a solution that is going to help improve your overall oral health.